Perfect Days

Perfect Days

Director: Wim Wenders
Country: Japan, Germany

2023 | 124 min. | Japanese
Subtitles: English, German
FSK | Nicht geprüft / No clearance (18+)

Cast_ Koji Yakusho, Tokio Emoto, Arisa Nakano, Aoi Yamada, Yumi Aso Screenplay_ Wim Wenders, Takuma Takasaki Camera_ Franz Lustig Producer_ Koji Yanai Rights_ DCM Film Distribution GmbH

A poetic and touching meditation on the beauty of the everyday and the unpredictability of human life. Grandly directed by Wim Wenders, the long-standing master of German cinema.

Hirayama cleans public toilets in Tokyo. The taciturn elderly gentleman goes about his work with devoted precision and dignity. Living alone in a small apartment, his daily life is regimented like clockwork. During the week, he gets up early, listens to cassettes of English rock music on his drive to work, and reads sophisticated literature in second-hand paperbacks every evening. During his work breaks, he takes photographs. He seems perfectly content with his simple, solitary life. Then, several unexpected encounters bring to light a past that Hirayama seemed to have left behind. - Wim Wenders’ new film is a meditation, as poetic as it is profoundly moving, on the beauty of everyday things and the infinitely winding paths of human life.


In 1968, Wim Wenders showed his short film ›Same Player Shoots Again‹ at the International Film Week Mannheim. In the 1970s he became internationally known as one of the pioneers of New German Cinema. In 2004 he accepted the Master of Cinema Award at the IFFMH.



  • Sold outSaturday 18.11.202317:00with GuestsHeidelbergHDKarlstorbahnhof
  • Only a few tickets left!Friday 24.11.202317:45MannheimMAStadthaus N1